Registration for Winter Session - 2024-2025

Subject(s) Needed, Winter Session Dates: Mon, December 23, 2024 - Fri, January 24, 2025

A maximum of two classes can be taken during the winter intersession, unless approved by Hillside Administration.

World History (zoom times TBD)
US History (zoom times TBD)
Biology (zoom times TBD)
Chemistry (zoom times TBD)
Physics (zoom times TBD)
Spanish 2-4 (zoom times TBD)

Semester Tuition:
One Class: $995
A non-refundable $200.00 deposit per class will be kept if you drop a class for any reason. No refunds will be given after Dec 16th.).
Science lab fee: $75.00 per class
Tuition is to be paid in full at registration. Terms and conditions are below. A convenience fee of 3.7% will be added to all payments made by credit card. A fee of $35 applies for returned checks. A minimum of 5 students is required for the class to run. If the minimum of 5 students is not met and the class does not run, a full refund will be issued.

(I/We have read and understand the tuition and fees.)

Payment plans are available through the Business Office. Financial aid is available - please obtain a form from the Business Office.

Receipt of credits is contingent upon:
1. I understand I am not registered for any classes until I submit all paperwork and registration fees to The Hillside School. Enrollment is on a first-serve basis. If the requested class is full, I will be notified by Hillside.
2. I understand no refunds will be made after Dec 16th, one week prior to the first day of class. At this time, full tuition will be forfeited. The undersigned agrees to the terms and conditions of enrollment at The Hillside School and of this contract.

(I/We have read, understand and agree to the terms and conditions on this form.)